Wednesday, 26 March 2014

AIMS Ireland shocked to learn that obstetrics has been reclassified as Arts subject

AIMS Ireland shocked to learn that obstetrics has been reclassified as Arts subject

Wednesday, March 26, 2014 The Association for Improvements in the Maternity Services Ireland (AIMS Ireland) today expressed bemusement over comments from the HSE that the obstetric led Irish maternity system is not based on Science as previously thought, but is an Art form.

AIMSI Statement: AIMS Ireland campaigns for evidence based, safe, and appropriate practice and care options for women accessing Irish maternity services. The obstetric care model is the only care option available for the majority of women in Ireland.

A spokesperson from AIMSI states, "AIMS Ireland has long had concerns on the appropriateness of the obstetric care model given findings from high quality, robust science. To be informed by the HSE today that obstetrics is indeed an Art form, and not a science, raises new and serious concerns. Women and their babies deserve the best care possible for themselves and their babies. Science provides us with the answers we need to make best practice recommendations. To learn that maternity care in Ireland is not based on a scientific basis is surprising to say the least. Many women pay significant sums to be provided with private obstetric led care under the pretence that their care is being provided by a highly qualified medical professional, not an Artist. We wonder also are obstetricians eligible to apply for an Arts Council Grant and perhaps they could pass on the savings to their clients? We advise women to consult the most current scientific data, which concludes that for the majority of women, midwife led care is the recommended professional medical, science-based care option.”



The HSE spokesperson, based in Kilkenny, is quoted as saying "The art of obstetrics is getting the balance right."

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