Wednesday, 15 May 2013

"No Means No" whether its in a Double-bed or a Hospital Bed

"No Means No" whether its in a Double-bed or a Hospital Bed

"No Means No".  Whether its in a Double-bed or a Hospital Bed.
It seems ridiculous that it even needs to be said. But apparently, following another report today, it does.

To Health Care Professionals: Assualt for Dummies 101

You must obtain consent from a woman in order to perform a procedure.
If a woman says 'no' or 'stop' during a procedure, YOU MUST STOP.
If a woman physically tries to distance herself from you during a procedure, YOU MUST STOP.
If a woman tries to push you away, YOU MUST STOP.
If you need to physically restrain or hold down a woman to do a procedure (force a woman's legs apart), IT IS ASSAULT.

To Birthing Partners and Dads: If your partner was being assualted on the street, would you do nothing?

The same rules apply in childbirth. During birth, if a woman does not consent to a procedure, or consents but then asks for the health care professional to stop and they don't, it is assualt.

What can you do?

Take responsibility. Reinforce and support your partner's expressions of consent. Be on her side.
Repeat your partner's wishes "She said no" or "She said stop"
State the obvious, "She said no, this is assault"
Request a change: "She said no. We want a different midwife/doctor."
Supervisor: "She said no. I want to see your supervisor."
Report  " She asked you to stop/said no. I have your name. I am reporting you to the ABA (midwife)"
             " She asked you to stop/said no. I have your name. I am reporting you to the Medical     Council (doctor)"

If you don't have their name, get it.

An Bord Altranais - reporting misconduct:

Medical Council - reporting misconduct:

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